Category: <span>Home Life</span>

Home Home Life
Authenticity: Our New Life

Authenticity: Our New Life

Ten years ago at this time I was in the throngs of the first trimester of my first pregnancy. I had just finished my final contract with WICKED, the musical, and was entering a program to become a Nutritional Therapy Practitioner. I was a spoiled city girl with a highly successful career that came early...

Making Dreams Come True

Making Dreams Come True

Hey guys! How the heck are ya??!! I believe in making dreams come true, and for my family, that is exactly what we are doing…always praying we are in the Lord’s will as we go, of course. To catch you up, I’d like to reminisce with you for just a moment about Real Food Family’s...

balance {selective neglect}

balance {selective neglect}

I recently heard the best explanation of the term “balance” ever…. “selective neglect”.  (For example…even though I haven’t published a blog post in weeks- actually months- I’m going to stop writing now that I’ve written a sentence and watch a movie with my husband instead. I’ll come back when the time is right.) 9 days...

Essential Recipes for Fertility, Pregnancy and Lactation!

Essential Recipes for Fertility, Pregnancy and Lactation!

Commit everything you do to the Lord. Trust Him, and He will help you. Be still in the presence of the Lord, and wait patiently for Him to act.  Psalm 37:5,7   In his travels and research around the world, Dr. Weston Price found that all traditional cultures emphasized a very specific diet for reproducing...

Our Rookie Parenting Mistakes

Our Rookie Parenting Mistakes

    Have you seen this article: 19 Rookie Mistakes Parents Make. I was laughing out loud when I read this! I could totally relate to most of them, so I thought I’d share a few of my stories that are inspired by their list.   Diaper Explosion- in the Worst.Place.Ever. Much like the Titanic...