2013 Weekly 10-Min Workout #1

Home Health Fitness 2013 Weekly 10-Min Workout #1

I’m starting something new! It’s a weekly 10-minute workout for you to do at home. As a professional dancer and now teacher, as well as a certified Yoga-fit instructor, hopefully you will find these little workout motivations easy, yet challenging, refreshing and, most importantly, DOABLE!

I’m not going to claim that these little workouts will change your body dramatically. I do recommend getting really good workouts a few times per week, and doing something relatively active every day, like walking or stretching. I’d like to instruct you in a quick and easy stretching and strengthening program that I challenge you to do EVERY DAY! Let’s do this together…it will be fun!

**Disclaimer: Rozlyn Mignogna and/or Real Food Family do not take any responsibility for injuries or other damages incurred from following the directions in this blog post, video and any other materials provided by Real Food Family. By continuing reading this post or following this video, you are agreeing to Real Food Family’s Terms and Conditions

Watch the video or follow the pictures below:


Stand up straight- feet a little wider than shoulder width. Keep abdominals engaged (tight) with knees slightly bent and expand rib cage by arching the back.
From the arched back position, swing arms around to the front and contract the stomach as much as possible, rounding out the back. Repeat this motion of arching and contracting the back 3-4 times.
Stretch the sides of your body by reaching arms in opposite directions. Repeat multiple times.
Holding the abs tight, stretch your hand in front of you, creating a flat back.
Keep your abdominals strong as you stretch your hands from front to side. Repeat 8-10 times.
Relax into a deep straddle-hamstring stretch.
Walk your hands out in front of you, keeping the weight of your body off of your heels.
Open your hips and bend your knees into a deep plie (squat).
Walk your feet together, then walk your hands out into a plank position- keeping your abdominals engaged, heels extended to the back wall, wrists and elbows directly under your shoulders. Hold this position for 30-60 seconds.
Bend the elbows slightly- directly the back (not to the side). Return the elbows to a straight position. Repeat these small pushups 8-10 times.
Keeping the body in a strong plank position, drop to your elbows.
Drop hips to the floor on the right side, then the left side. Repeat 8-10 times.
Sit back onto your feet with your arms extended- reaching in front of you.
On hands and knees, arch the back (keeping abdominals engaged) to stretch the stomach in a “cow” position.
Contract the stomach and round the back into a “cat” position. Repeat this “cat/cow” motion 5-8 times.
Lift up to a “downward dog” position- legs as straight as possible, arms straight and reaching away from hands, tailbone reaching to the ceiling.
Lift one leg up to the ceiling, keeping it straight.
Bend your knee and drop the foot to the opposite side, stretching and opening your hip while stretching the hamstring on the standing leg.
Transfer weight to your hands, contracting the stomach, reaching the knee to your nose. Return leg to the extension to the ceiling.
Reach knee to the opposite elbow, then return leg to the extended split.
Bend the leg into the same elbow, then extend back into the split.
Contract the stomach once again, bringing the knee to the nose. Extend the leg back to the split position, then finish this exercise in the downward dog position. Repeat this whole series with the other leg. Repeat as many times as desired.
Finish your workout by walking hands in from the downward dog position into a final hamstring stretch.
Slowly roll up to a standing position, working through each vertebrae, rolling your shoulders and head last.

Good job!  Now take some time to stretch by watching this stretching guide!

Let me know what you think about the workout by commenting below! Stay connected with Real Food Family and sign up for Real Food Weekly Meal Plans.  

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