There is just too much amazing info on too many amazing websites out there!
I’m here to help you find some of the best gems online at the moment from some of my favorite real food and natural living websites.
Check it out:

This amazingly adorable young blogger can pack some serious punch in her posts. Her name is Lauren and she blogs at “Empowered Sustenance”. My favorite posts from her right now are these amazing Onion-Herb Coconut Flour Biscuits. (Allelujah!)
I also started cleaning my face with oil and I love it! Yes, I just said I’m washing my face with oil! I’m pretty much following Lauren’s program and really loving it. Check it out here.
At a recent MOPS talk I spoke for, a mom asked me about sports drinks for her 12 year old son, and what she could possibly use as an alternative. My mind sort of blanked because all I could think of was raw milk, kombucha or chicken stock…knowing that was the worst answer to give a mom of a 12 year old boy! So this is a great link offering information for why the sports drinks are such a bad option, and also an option for an alternative. If that lovely mom is reading this, I think it would be a great idea to read this post with your son so he can understand and make a choice for himself. Click here for the link from Holistic Homemaking.
Do you know how much you can learn from your TONGUE? It’s kind of gross, but also really cool to check out that amazing muscle in your mouth to determine what kind of things are happening in your body. This is an awesome article from Real Food Forager that I recommend taking a moment to read!
And now for some more RECIPES!
I love this blog just because the name is so dang adorable: Oh Lardy! She’s working on some interesting fermenting recipes, which I’m always working on adding to my kitchen. Here is a lacto-fermented orange juice and fermented garlic. Both awesome!

And last but certainly not least, one of my favorite blogs, Nourished Kitchen, has a gorgeous and ultra-yummy looking recipe for Chocolate Einkorn Sandwich Cookies with Coconut Cream. “What is Einkorn,” you ask? It is an incredibly healthy organic flour from Italy to use for baking that I have been dabbling with. Click here” target=”_blank”>You can purchase that Einkorn flour from a company called Jovial by clicking here.
Enjoy the links, and let me know if you make anything!