Have you heard the news?
California and the South West are in a SEVERE DROUGHT. We are facing water restriction laws we haven’t seen in decades. Most people think you have to have a cactus and rock garden and never flush the toilet if you want to save water. But the truth is that simple things can save a lot of water, and you can have a plush garden that uses almost no water and attracts more hummingbirds and honeybees than any red-dye feeder or plant nursery flower. You can even grow veggies, herbs and fruit with 90% less water!
Tips for saving water:
- turn off your faucets while you brush your teeth and hands
- wash dishes with basins of clean and dirty water instead of keeping the faucet running
- take shorter showers
- if you must have a lawn, water it at NIGHT!
PLANT NATIVE PLANTS (Visit the California Native Plant Society for ideas)
*Many people think that “native” plants are just succulents and cacti, but most people don’t realize that some of the most beautiful flowering plants are natives and only need barely any watering to thrive! The best part of flowering natives is that they attract honeybees and hummingbirds better than anything. I always have hummingbirds buzzing in my tiny little yard.
The TOWER GARDEN Aeroponic Gardening System
My favorite urban homesteading, organic gardening “toy” is my Tower Garden!
- The Tower Garden uses less than 10% of the water needed for traditional gardening = THAT’S 90% LESS WATER!!!
- Soil-free = NO WEEDS!
- It’s a tower = NO BENDING OVER!
- Constant automatic watering = NO DEAD PLANTS!
Here’s how it works:
- Order your Tower Garden and follow the simple directions to set it all up in less than 15 minutes!
- Plant seeds in little moss/foam pods (any plant that grows above ground…carrots and beets won’t work)
- Transplant your seedlings into little baskets in the Tower Garden slots
- Fill the Tower Garden base with water and the patented earth-based nutrient solutions
- Set the timer and your Tower Garden will water the roots of your plants every 15 minutes.
Here is our link to watch videos, learn more and PURCHASE your Tower Garden. As a Tower Garden representative, I’m happy to help you with any questions about the Tower Garden, the financing options, submitting a purchase and even learning how you can sell them and earn commissions!