Click here to go to the Fit2B website now. Do you have a mommy pouch? mummy tummy? post-baby bump? Learn why “Fit2B Diastasis Recti Workouts” are one of Real Food Family’s favorite things!
Essential Recipes for Fertility, Pregnancy and Lactation!
Commit everything you do to the Lord. Trust Him, and He will help you. Be still in the presence of the Lord, and wait patiently for Him to act. Psalm 37:5,7 In his travels and research around the world, Dr. Weston Price found that all traditional cultures emphasized a very specific diet for reproducing...
Announcing Baby Rivka!
Hey friends! I’m super excited to give you an official birth announcement of our newest baby girl, Rivka Joy! She’s about 6 weeks old now and she is a wonderful little baby. Going from two kids to three kids has been a challenge, I’m not going to lie. I’ve had a lot of help from...
Keeping a Complete Medical AND Holistic First Aid Kit
A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones. Proverbs 17:22 It’s only when an injury or emergency occurs that most of us realize that we do not have all the first aid supplies we need ready and available in our homes. In preparing to have our third baby, I...
Checklist for an Amazing Birth
My baby should be arriving any day now! I thought I’d share with you what I consider to be essential items to have ready for your labor, birth and immediate postpartum period. My advice comes from a third-time mom and a birth doula. I hope to help many moms out there, but also encourage other...
Real Food Family University: Introduction
Do you want your family to be a Real Food Family? We live in a time when there are way too many options for “food”, yet most of what is available to eat shouldn’t even be considered food at all. Eating “real food” is fortunately becoming a popular trend lately and there is a ton...
31 Weeks Pregnancy Update: What’s Most Important Right Now
I don’t know if this can be considered an update, because I haven’t exactly posted much about my pregnancy since announcing it. Soooo…basically this is what has happened so far: We are planning on a home birth again. We had one ultrasound at 22 weeks to determine we are having a third GIRL. I...
To Vegetarians and Vegans, With Love
This is a post I don’t want to write. Why? Because it can be such a heated topic, especially for those who are devoted to their vegetarian and vegan dietary convictions. Why write it? Because I reference my recommendations against vegetarian and vegan diets often and I need a place to refer my readers regarding...
Trying to Get Pregnant? Try These Unconventional Ways to Naturally Improve Fertility and Discover What Might Be Causing Your Infertility
Photo credit: Lindy Rojas Photography “‘For I know the plans I have for you,’ declares the Lord, ‘plans to prospert you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”‘ Jeremiah 29:11 We just announced that we are pregnant with our third baby! Pregnancy is such a blessing and it’s so fun to share...
3 Supplements Everyone Should Take Every Day
Photo credit: Lindy Rojas Because I’m a Nutritional Therapy Practitioner- meaning I’m extensively trained on using specific supplements (and diet) to address specific health problems and deficiencies- I have a ton of supplements in my house. If you’ve ventured into the “natural health” world for any amount of time, you’ve probably developed an endless list...