In our house we are constantly trying to add quality sources of protein to our kids’ meals. All of our kids are very active, but our oldest daughter is a competitive junior olympic gymnast at one of the top training centers in the world…which means she works her body like a professional athlete for up...
Thanksgiving Week Guide
Thanksgiving is already here! We pray you’ll take the time to savor the time, creating memories to last a lifetime. I thought I’d put together a list of items you might find useful and interesting this week, from food planning and recipes for the big day to catching up on good reading, watching and listening....
3 Essential Salad Dressings
My philosophy on dieting and eating is to get married instead of getting divorced. When we focus on breaking up with foods we are passionately in love with, we are setting ourselves up for relapse and heart break. When we allow ourselves to fall deeply, madly in love with foods that we don’t ever have...
balance {selective neglect}
I recently heard the best explanation of the term “balance” ever…. “selective neglect”. (For example…even though I haven’t published a blog post in weeks- actually months- I’m going to stop writing now that I’ve written a sentence and watch a movie with my husband instead. I’ll come back when the time is right.) 9 days...
The Ultimate Guide to Gut-Healing Diets
The scientific research these days relating to the importance of gut health is overwhelming. Right now I’m working on a “big gut health related project” and as I compile the scientific evidence relating the gut to all other areas of health, it’s truly exhausting. The emphasis on probiotics in the “mainstream” nutrition, medical and pharmaceutical...
REVIEW! Grain Free Baking by Kelly Smith
I had the distinct honor to receive the new book, Grain Free Baking, by my friend Kelly Smith from The Nourishing Home blog.
Sweet Carrot, Lemon and Ginger Soup
Jesus answered, “I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life. No man comes to the Father except through Me.” John 14:6 (Why we start each post with a verse.) I’m always trying to figure out ways to get more bone broth in my family…especially in my picky kids! I recently made this simple carrot...
Fish Head WHAT?? Nutrient-Dense Fish Stock
And he said to them, “Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men.” Matthew 4:19 If you’re new to “traditional food”, then you might not yet have a copy of Nourishing Traditions by Sally Fallon Morell. You are going to need a copy of that book! Go ahead and click on this...
Caramelized Pear and Coconut Rice Pudding {Dairy Free, Gluten Free, Vegetarian, Vegan}
I am the vine; you are the branches. Those who remain in me, and I in them, will produce much fruit. For apart from me you can do nothing. John 15:5 I’m so happy to guest posting today at Traditional Cooking School by GNOWFGLINS with a heart warming recipe that is actually vegan, gluten and...
Pomegranate Salad with Toasted Pumpkin Seed Vinaigrette
Around the time when pomegranates become in season, I like to spend some time every week removing all the seeds from pomegranates so I can have a container full of them ready for anything. (Make sure to wear protective clothing when working with pomegranates. I always find pomegranate juice spots on the opposite side of...