I had the distinct honor to receive the new book, Grain Free Baking, by my friend Kelly Smith from The Nourishing Home blog.
We’re Juicing!
This summer two very exciting things happened… We had a BABY! We also finally jumped on the juicing bandwagon. (Yes, the first was kind of WAY more important.) Juicing vegetables and fruits can be an excellent way to get a blast of nourishing vitamins and minerals straight into the blood stream. Dr. Mercola states that juicing...
Blackberry Lavender Scones
If you had to pick 5 fruits you couldn’t live without, what would they be? I know, it’s a difficult question. Did you forget strawberries? Peaches? Blueberries? Watermelon? Well, those are on my top list (especially watermelon, which happens to be my favorite food. Not just fruit…food!)
Perfect Egg Salad with Homemade Mayo and Lacto-Fermented Pickles {Gluten Free and Grain Free Option}
You’re either an egg salad person or you’re not. For me, egg salad sandwiches were one of the meals that I could actually handle eating during the first trimester of my current pregnancy. It helped me quiet the guilt of feeling like I wasn’t getting any of the essential nutrient dense foods I should eat...
Best Holiday Breakfasts, Snacks and Drinks of 2013!
If you’ve already seen my Best Desserts of 2013 and Best Main Dishes of 2013, then hold on to your hats and glasses for the Best Holiday Breakfasts, Snacks and Drinks of 2013!
Eggs Benedict on Polenta Cakes with Pesto Hollandaise ~ Gluten Free
The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness. Lamentations 3:22-23 I’m pretty sure my favorite breakfast food is eggs benedict. Perfectly poached eggs with velvety hollandaise sauce…doesn’t get much more delicious than that. I had a craving for eggs benedict but it was the...
Smoothies for Nutrient-Dense Living
Here is a recipe for a truly nutrient-dense whole food smoothie. I originally called it a “‘pregnancy” smoothie, but it’s our basic smoothie recipe we use for everyone in the family. Whenever you see something labeled as a “pregnancy” recipe, you should consider it something you should eat- whether you are 3 years old...
Sourdough Biscuits
I am loving my explorations in sourdough! If you follow and/or joined my sourdough club you will find everything you need to get started with sourdough. (There was a little pun there…you need purchase a starter to get started. Man, it doesn’t stop.) Once you have a happy, healthy little starter, you can start making delicious sourdough...
Caramelized Cinnamon Coffee Bacon Waffles- Happy Father’s Day
“Happy Father’s Day! We made you some Caramelized Cinnamon Coffee Bacon Waffles.” – said you and the kids on Father’s Day morn. You know it’s going to be a good day. Dear Dad, I am your biggest fan. You are like Santa Claus and Jesus mixed together. You are full of joy, full of love,...
A Spring Quiche
Let us know; let us press on to know the Lord; his going out is sure as the dawn; he will come to us as the showers, as the spring rains that water the earth. Hosea 6:3 It has been so beautiful here lately as we enjoy spring at its finest. While I’m trying to...