Year: <span>2013</span>

Home 2013

Perfect Pie Crust

Pie crust truly is an art, and considering that pie is extremely important to my family, I’ve spent most of my holidays in the kitchen learning the secrets of my great-grandfather’s perfect crust. I will tell you right now that one of his big secrets was Crisco (aka hydrogenated vegetable oil), which is something that...

Butternut Squash, Sausage and Pomegranate Stuffing (Grain Free, Paleo, Gluten Free)

Last year I went grain-free for a few months until I realized that I personally needed to include some grains in my diet to stay healthy. Even though I’m a happy grain-eater, it doesn’t mean I can’t still enjoy the goodness of grain-free recipes, especially during the holidays when breads, sugar, and other goodies are...

Adventures with Auntie Pam: Thanksgiving Tips

If you follow my Facebook page, you might notice a lady who likes to comment a lot named Pam. Ladies and gentlemen, that lady happens to be my ultra-fabulous Auntie Pam. Actually she is my dad’s aunt, but she’s basically the same age as my dad so I’ve always considered her an aunt. I’m trying...

Goodbye Farm

It’s a bittersweet feeling to be in our new place. Leaving the farm was a good decision for us, but I will miss my animals, the views, the wildlife and the neighborhood so much.

The Perfect Cookie for Every Occasion

I’ve always wanted to have a special drawer in my house full of beautiful hostess gifts to have ready when a thank you card just doesn’t seem like enough. It would be filled with all the adorable little things you find in a boutique, candle store or soap shop that you never have an excuse...

Thinking outside the chicken box: Chicken Livers with Dijonnaise Sauce and Charred Corn

In America, we eat a lot of chicken, and even more corn.  But we don’t eat these great foods the way we should.  Chicken is often loaded with antibiotics, contaminated with pathogens and downright flavorless.  As for corn, don’t get me started… alright, since you’re forcing my hand.  The corn produced in the U.S. is mostly consumed...

Eggs Benedict on Polenta Cakes with Pesto Hollandaise ~ Gluten Free

The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness. Lamentations 3:22-23   I’m pretty sure my favorite breakfast food is eggs benedict. Perfectly poached eggs with velvety hollandaise sauce…doesn’t get much more delicious than that. I had a craving for eggs benedict but it was the...

Everything I Would Tell My Best Friend About Pregnancy

For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well. Psalm 139:13-14   AHHHHHHHH!!!!!! You’re pregnant!!!!! Congratulations!!!!!!!!! I’m SOOOOOOO excited!!!!!!!!!!!! Okay, are you ready to be brainwashed by me? You know that...

ErgoBaby GIVEAWAY and Baby Wearing Posts Galore

Are you a fan of baby wearing? Obviously I am. I just posted a complete tutorial of how to make your own beautiful baby-wearing wrap! The contributors for Modern Alternative Pregnancy, including me, have joined together to bring you the best of baby-wearing! I’ve also put together an ErgoBaby Giveaway as part of my contribution to this,...